Health-E-News January 2017
empowering you to optimal health


I trust you and your family had a wonderful holiday season and are eager to see what 2017 will hold for you!

It’s widely accepted that one of the greatest resolutions we can make for ourselves is to resolve to take our health seriously. Is being healthier on your list this year? I know that endless obstacles can get in the way of health and well being. I get it. I am committed to regaining and keeping my health in 2017 and welcome the opportunity to partner with you on the same journey.


I know that staying committed to your health goals and resolutions can be extremely difficult, especially when you try to take them on alone without the support of others. Oftentimes this is the exact missing link that keeps people from reaching success. Having someone to keep you accountable can prevent you from making excuses to not workout or eat another piece of cake; now you have someone you have to answer to when you go astray.




According to leading researcher, Dr. Gail Mathews, “Individuals with written goals are 39.5% more likely to succeed vs. those who don’t write their goals. And that those who share their goals with an accountability partner and exchange progress reports along the journey are 76.7% more likely to achieve them.” Wow, talk about putting your goals on the success track!!!


Take a moment and think about the closest people in your life. Are they supporting you with the
changes you want to make or do they unintentionally sabotage your efforts? Do you find your work colleagues are often full of talk and short on action; making unhealthy lunches, eating sugary snack, and making after hours fun the norm instead of optimum pursuit of health and well-being?


If you have been trying to do it alone and feel discouraged when you fail to hit your marks, stop the torture and allow me and our great community to cheer you on as you topple those goals!


At McFerson Chiropractic, I am always working to create new opportunities for my community to get together and support each other. Stack the deck in your favor by having your spine and nervous system checked, committing to a customized care plan, and ‘bathing’ yourself in our awesome community! We’re in this game called life and we’re in it to win it…together!


Stay in the know via my private email group; Facebook page or Instagram . I look forward to serving you and your loved one this January. Lets help each other enjoy a healthy, energized, and youthful 2017 and beyond!